leave it to Jeremy to be an asshole...
I think this blog is an awesome idea, though I have yet to contribute to it, and I have found some of the posts interesting and worthwhile. But I think this whole space might be a bit more personal.
I can find cool things online on reddit (token:
INTERFACES) and a handful of other places online without finding out anything about the poster. I want everyone's cool webpages but, more importantly, I want to know about the people I haven't seen or spoken to since May.
So I'mma start it off and we'll see how that goes...
During the painfully glorious final days of SU(ID) I had to decide between returning to my Dad's home to complete a portoflio and look for a job OR move to Delaware Beaches to help one of my oldest friends run a Graphic Design & Screenprinting operation he "accidentally" started and found was growing out of control. Needless to say, I did not move back home and I have been living in and around Dewey Beach, DE since.
It's had its ups and downs. I enjoy the work, though it's not ID. We have had plenty of work to keep ourselves busy, though we haven't always been able to pay ourselves for all of it. I have learned so much about running a business and dealing with ACTUAL clients but I have spent more time doing that than actually designing (probably. Sometimes I exaggerate...) The summer was one big party that I mostly had to restrain myself from joining for lack of money and a desire to not be drunk by noon seven days a week (what can I say? I shot for the stars after SU).
Anyway, despite it all, I can't say that I regret the decision to come down here. Now I am ready to get out of here (did anyone else know how dull vacation towns are off-season?) and have been updating/finishing the portfolio that Heckman never got a finished copy of. I'm trying to get me a real job WHICH I am aware is a difficult thing to do right now (anyone has one they can hand me, no strings attached, I'll be pretty thrilled) but even a low-level position would keep me more sane than working two jobs and still not knowing how much money is coming in each week.
I have been trying to keep up drawing. I have to admit, though, I have drawn very few inanimate objects (read: products) in the past eight months, but I remembered that creative drawing was why I picked up a pencil in the first place.
There is, of course, lots more that I could say (and would like to say if anyone wants to hear) but I'll leave it at that for now in hopes that someone will actually read this and feel compelled/inspired/irritated enough to write their own little eight-month story...
(also, Ashley, you might be please to know that, since Christmas, I have developed a severe espresso addiction and if you're ever in DE, I'll brew you up a nice quad-shot)