Based on the book's cover guess it's Amazon rating. It's harder than you think, my advice: really ugly book covers = 5 stars. Designers suck at this game.
A 9 minute video about the development of a cool interactive device. Hits on technology and interface seen in Minority Report and Jeff Han's demo of the Microsoft Surface Table.
I love checking Alex Ostrowski's website for graphic inspiration and insightful sayings like ANYTHING I CAN IMAGINE I CAN DO, LEAVE EARLY WALK SLOW, or my favorite, DANCE IS EXERCISE. What a design boost...
One in 8 Million is a collection of New York City characters, Christian the architect who suffers from vertigo but has to ride his bike over the Brooklyn Bridge, Michel the wedding wardrober, Melissa the urban taxidermist. Every week one new story is added.
Taragh describes her blog as "inspiration from my daily life." Have an inspired day and sign up for an acting class (see above... that could be you too!).
3 directors, Michel Gondry, Leos Carax, and Bong Joon-ho explore life in Tokyo! with 3 short films. Joon-Ho says "I noticed that people in Tokyo try very hard not to talk to anybody while they are walking on the streets-they kind of shrink, I wanted to take that to an extreme." (-mallory rice)
I have got a chance to meet some interesting people who are making a living making high end funiture design. Here are some pics that are inspiring me to make furniture.
Tomita Designs invites designer and fine artists to collaborate with Ken Tomita to reinterpret and customize his bamboo Chaboo design. (Thanks Nicole!)
I thought this was an interesting blog post called How to remember stuff by Jack Cheng. He writes,"My short-term memory has been getting worse. A friend kindly suggested that I’m just getting old,which I guess is in some ways true. But I don’t blame aging brain cells. I blame the Internet." I blame post-it notes for not being stickier.