Hi Everyone,
It's me Mikie, I apologize for my absence but i've had shit to do. To continue Jeremy's unsuccessful experiment in what where all doing I decided i'll talk about myself for a little while because my boss is gone. Have you ever wondered how long it would take you to sell out completely? Well I havn't, becasue I already know! 7 months... it takes 7 months. So i'm living in LA reasonably close to the ocean and i'm developing a retail brand for a company that does promotional products. It's pretty boring as hell, however as the only designer I get total control so in that sense it's pretty sweet. We've got a website that's gonna be up in the near future.. i'll be sure and let everyone know via this blog.
Anyways... this print site is pretty sweet, so maybe check that out too by clicking on the man with the mustache.